All workshops are held at Bexstone House, Barnham Road, Eastergate, West Sussex, PO20 3RT.
See the Directions page to find out how to get there.
Mediumship Unfoldment, 10.30am – 4.30pm
New Dates To Be Confirmed for 2023
Would you like to be a Medium, come and learn how to deepen your Psychic and Spiritual abilities?
Maybe you used to have “Imaginary friends”, maybe you have dreamed of and/or had a sense of a passed loved one with you?
Would you like to discover whether this is just your imagination or whether you have mediumistic ability?
Don’t worry if you are not sure if you have any, you can find out in a calm and nurturing environment. Be reassured that Everyone has Psychic abilities, which can be enhanced. I believe there is a reason you have been drawn to this site and you may find the support and guidance offered in my Mediumship Unfoldment course helps you to explore and develop your emerging skills as a Medium.
Cost £50.00 p.p. including refreshments, but, please bring something to share for lunch. You may pay for your Workshop place via my Online Shop and book and pay at the same time, alternatively call me and we can discuss.
Maximum 12 Places.
Thank you.
Meet your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels, 10.30am – 4.30pm
New Dates To Be Confirmed for 2023
A day of becoming aware of who is guiding and assisting you in your life. We all have guides who walk with us throughout our earthly lives, do you ever wonder who are, how many you have and what area(s) of your life they help you with? Becoming aware of and developing a relationship with them can help not just those who are curious, but also can be of considerable help to those who wish to unfold their Spiritual abilities whether that be within the Mediumship, Healing or Psychic arenas. over time developing and deepening this relationship can take your spiritual endeavours to the next level.
Cost £50.00 p.p. including refreshments, but, please bring something to share for lunch. You may pay for your Workshop place via my Online Shop and book and pay at the same time, alternatively call me and we can discuss.
Maximum 12 Places.
Thank you.
A Day of Experimental Trance Healing Mediumship 10.30am – 4.30pm
New Dates To Be Confirmed for 2023
Trance is a form of Mental Mediumship, where you build an every closer connection with your Spirit team. It, therefore, can have a beneficial effect not just on your Spiritual, psychic and mediumistic abilities but also on the rest of your “so called ordinary life.” Trance Healing Mediumship can be unfolded in many forms including Speaking, Healing, Writing, Artistic and Teaching to name but a few!! This workshop is designed to help you lay and or strengthen the foundations of your Trance Mediumship, seeing which area(s) are ready to be unfolded at present.
Come and enjoy a day of developing and unfolding and discovering and deepen this aspect of your mediumship. As usual, there will be an opportunity to ask questions, the day will include fun, laughter and support helping you to achieve your potential. Call if you would like more information. Another opportunity to deepen your Trance Mediumship further will be on Sunday 25th November 2012, see below for details.
Cost £50.00 p.p. including refreshments, but, please bring something to share for lunch. You may pay for your Workshop place via my Online Shop and book and pay at the same time, alternatively call me and we can discuss.
Maximum 12 Places.
Thank you.
Psychic and Spiritual Development, 10.30am – 4.30pm
New Dates To Be Confirmed for 2023
Everyone is Psychic to some degree or other. Would you like to develop your psychic abilities further? Do you already get a sense of who is on the phone when it rings? Would you like to have fun and learn how you
can help yourself and others at the same time? Then this is a workshop for you. The day will include taking you through a guided meditation and helping you stretch you psychic abilities using amongst other things sand and flowers. You will be amazed at what we can achieve in just a day. Please bring a flower or cutting from a plant.
Cost £50.00 including refreshments, but, please bring something to share for lunch. Payment can be made via my online shop with Paypal, in person or by cheque, made payable to “Christine Hewitt”. Thank you.
Maximum 12 Places.
Thank you.
Mediumship Unfoldment, 10.30am – 4.30pm
New Dates To Be Confirmed for 2023
Have you ever had a sense of a passed loved one with you? Would you like to discover whether this is just your imagination or whether you have mediumistic ability? If so come and enjoy a day of developing, unfolding and discovering your mediumistic abilities.
It will be a day of fun, laughter and support helping you discover your abilities. If you have attended one previously you will know that I offer great support and assistance. People have been amazed at what they have done at my workshops. If you haven’t attend before come and surprise yourself with what you can do with my help. Today we will be working on and developing your connection and confidence with the Spirit World.
Call if you would like more information or have any questions.
Cost £50.00 p.p. including refreshments, but, please bring something to share for lunch. You may pay for your Workshop place via my Online Shop and book and pay at the same time, alternatively call me and we can discuss.
Maximum 12 Places.
Thank you.
A Day of Experimental Trance Healing Mediumship 10.30am – 4.30pm
New Dates To Be Confirmed for 2023
Trance is a form of Mental Mediumship, where you build an every closer connection with your Spirit team. It, therefore, can have a beneficial effect not just on your Spiritual, psychic and mediumistic abilities but also on the rest of your “so called ordinary life.” Trance Healing Mediumship can be unfolded in many forms including Speaking, Healing, Writing, Artistic and Teaching to name but a few!! This workshop is designed to help you lay and or strengthen the foundations of your Trance Mediumship, seeing which area(s) are ready to be unfolded at present.
Come and enjoy a day of developing and unfolding and discovering and deepen this aspect of your mediumship. As usual, there will be an opportunity to ask questions, the day will include fun, laughter and support helping you to achieve your potential. Call if you would like more information. Another opportunity to deepen your Trance Mediumship further will be on Saturday 12th October 2019, see below for details.
Cost £50.00 p.p. including refreshments, but, please bring something to share for lunch. You may pay for your Workshop place via my Online Shop and book and pay at the same time, alternatively call me and we can discuss.
Maximum 12 Places.
Thank you.
Remembering Past Lives/ Regression Day Workshop 10.30am-4.30pm
New Dates To Be Confirmed for 2023
Have you ever been somewhere and just knew what was around the corner? Just known all about a place or event and not known how you could logically have done so? Just have felt as if you have known someone forever and only just met them, maybe they have just been born! (In this life) The answer could be that you had been there before or known them in a previous life/incarnation. Do you have a natural ability that can’t be explained by DNA, eg are you a natural pianist, mathematician and no one else in your family is? Or do you just fancy seeing what you were? Then you’ll enjoy this one day workshop a day of going back into the past experiences of your Soul reviewing previous lives!
I believe that every experience we have within the Spiritual field, whether that is with Regression/ remembering past or any other experience should have a positive impact on your life here and now, with that in mind I am offering you the opportunity to come and enjoy the experiences of some of your previous past lives.
Cost £50.00 including refreshments. Payment can be made via my online shop with Paypal, in person or by cheque, made payable to “Christine Hewitt”. Thank you.