Trance Healing One Day Workshop
Trance is a form of Mental Mediumship, where you build an every closer connection with your Spirit team. It, therefore, can have a beneficial effect not just on your Spiritual, psychic and mediumistic abilities but also on the rest of your “so called ordinary life.” Trance Healing Mediumship can be unfolded in many forms including Speaking, Healing, Writing, Artistic and Teaching to name but a few!! This workshop is designed to help you lay and or strengthen the foundations of your Trance Mediumship, seeing which area(s) are ready to be unfolded at present.
Come and enjoy a day of developing and unfolding and discovering and deepen this aspect of your mediumship. As usual, there will be an opportunity to ask questions, the day will include fun, laughter and support helping you to achieve your potential. Call if you would like more information. Another opportunity to deepen your Trance Mediumship further will be on Sunday 25th November 2012, see below for details.
Cost £50.00 p.p. including refreshments, but, please bring something to share for lunch. You may pay for your Workshop place via my Online Shop and book and pay at the same time, alternatively call me and we can discuss.