Past Lives/Regression One day workshop.
Have you ever been somewhere and just knew what was around the corner? Just known all about a place or event and not known how you could logically have done so? Just have felt as if you have known someone forever and only just met them, maybe they have just been born! (In this life) The answer could be that you had been there before or known them in a previous life/incarnation. Do you have a natural ability that can’t be explained by DNA, eg are you a natural pianist, mathematician and no one else in your family is? Or do you just fancy seeing what you were? Then you’ll enjoy this one day workshop a day of going back into the past experiences of your Soul reviewing previous lives!
I believe that every experience we have within the Spiritual field, whether that is with Regression/ remembering past or any other experience should have a positive impact on your life here and now, with that in mind I am offering you the opportunity to come and enjoy the experiences of some of your previous past lives.
Cost £50.00 including refreshments. Payment can be made via my online shop with Paypal, in person or by cheque, made payable to “Christine Hewitt”. Thank you.